Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The "P" word

Working these overnight shifts is really starting to screw with me a little. Worked from 10:15 last night until 9:45 this morning and then slept until 3:30 this afternoon...good thing that's my only shift this week (for the moment). I guess the best thing about working those shifts is that you've got nothing but time on your hands to get a lot of things done (even if those things are watching The Nightmare Before Christmas, How To Train Your Dragon, and Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows....don't judge me). 

Of course there is a lot of time left to just thinking about things perhaps what other types of work one can find so that they don't have to work ridiculous hours like that anymore...which got me thinking...

I just turned 26 last month and I've been trying to find "the job" ever since I graduated from college....what the beans happened?! I know I'm not getting any younger (although I'm not "old") and I understand that some people take entire lifetimes trying to figure out what they want to do but let's be honest, anyone who knows me knows that, in my world, patience is a song by Guns N' Roses. So that's just not going to cut it. 

Now I've been doing some serious thought over the past about the idea of going back to school and for what and clearly what I want to do with my life plays hand-in-hand with that decision which is I guess why I've been so concerned about what I want to do with my life. I really want to go back to school but I don't want to waste anymore time than I feel that I already have (I went to school for 4 years for Film Production Design and I've been working in the youth services field for the past three years = wasted time). I supposed saying that those experiences have been wasted time wouldn't be fair since I love the work I do and it's a very fulfilling job but everyone has had that job that they love that they know isn't what they want to do for the rest of their life and that's what this is to me. 

The dilemma is finding something that I can love, and feel fulfilled doing, that is going to bring home the bacon (because let's face it, my student loan debt isn't going away anytime soon). 

So here's my proposal that I hope to see through to somewhat of an end (or at least a monetarily beneficial end): I would like to design and development mobile apps. I mean, that's a pretty big market right now and it's not going away anytime soon. With a little brushing up on my design skills set and some training in code and iOS among other things, I could be well on my way to being my own boss, working from wherever I feel like sitting my butt down, and utilizing the creative drive that I know is buried somewhere under the past 4 years of filler jobs. 

It's time for me to decide if this is going to be a possibility and perhaps it'll open the door to some motivation and excitement in my life. I miss those two things...very much. So for now I'll leave it at that: a concept, an idea, a (dare I say it) PLAN.

That having been said I've got a few cold friends waiting for me. Until next time kiddos.

(P.S. Aren't my friends pretty?)

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