Wednesday, August 20, 2008

another door closes...

Well, this will ultimately be my last blog from Maine. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm going to miss it here and although there are some things that I'll no doubt forget very soon there are even more things that I know I'll find myself wishing I still had as a part of my day when I'm back home.

At the top of that list is definitely the friends that I've made here. Its hard to think that the chances of our paths crossing again are pretty laughable yet for some reason I feel like they will. I've always stood by the idea of never losing friends and I plan on sticking to that.

Not being able to play campus golf or go to Off The Boat or play ping pong at gilbert's on sundays... These are some of the other things that will be hard to find replacements for once I'm gone. The way the fog rolls in off the ocean like something out of a horror film only in the middle of the day. The quarry and the many treasure hunts at Good Will. Booze and Bake nights at the foundry. The soccer ball that belongs to the tech barn (or post? Hell if I know anymore). Waitng around the ER in a red dress because it turns out the color red can't skate for shit.

I guess I could keep going but I suppose that's a good enough start to keep me from forgetting what has been one of the greatest summer's of my life. To spend 3 months with the most creative and talented individuals that I've ever known. To create professional ties with them and to set up further networking opportunities down the road. But more than that, more than the jobs that may come or the refrences that might follow, more than the addition to the experience section of a resume, we found friendship.

I'll miss all of you and you can bet on it that I won't forget you. Until our paths cross again, there are no goodbyes.

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