Saturday, July 18, 2009

Is this real life?

Is this going to last forever??


Ok so I took that from that video of the kid who's all doped up after going to the dentist but it pretty much holds true for the way I've been feeling lately.

For starters, I lost my job two weeks ago under some pretty ridiculous circumstances and I still have yet to find another one so I can blame most of my depression on that. It's a pretty awesome feeling not having to get up to go to work for that long but once you reach that two week mark and you realize that your savings is only gonna pay your bills for so long, you start looking at the bums on the corner as entrepreneurs rather than irritations. Now I'm not going to start begging for change around town but it certainly is eye-opening to know that these individuals don't even have a home and they're still making more money than me.

On another front, I've recently signed the papers to move into a new apartment (coincidentally enough two days before I was fired) and therefore agreed to the headache that goes along with packing up my life into my Malibu yet again only to drive it 2 miles away just to unpack it all again. Not only that, we were casually informed by our future landlord that he's selling the house that we're moving into............"Shouldn't effect you guys though"..............needless to say my ulcer decided to do it's best impression of Mount St. Helens when we received that kosher little tidbit of information. I may just be joining Buffalo's finest sidewalk surfers before long after all.

As for the rest of things, I can't complain much...well...I could, I just don't want to. Hopefully by the next time I post I'll have some good news to report, whether it be of a new job or that "Sylvester and the Hobos" really don't smell that bad, once you get used to them.

Oye dios mio.

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