Friday, July 11, 2008

this is why I shop @ thrift stores

As I wandered around the Good Will yesterday searching for possible costumes for the mid-summer's 'ween party tomorrow, I found myself rummaging through the electronics "aisle" (a couple shelves crammed with almost every kind of cassette deck for any car ever made as well as a few prehistoric cell phones). As I finished trying out a pair of rip off Apple speakers with my blackberry I noticed a small pile of cameras collectively calling out my name. As I took a closer look I noticed among them there was a small black vinyl bag with a strap on it. "Now what could be inside this delightful little satchel?" I though to myself. As I picked up the tiny case I heard all around me a magnificent choir of angels singing the joys of what was about to happen for as I unlatched the buckle and flipped back the lid of the case in my hands I found, nestled within, a near-mint Polaroid Impulse SE without a scratch on it loaded with 10 shots and another pack of film in the side pocket (which was only dated 02/07). As I glanced over the price tag on this gift from above a tear trickled slowly down my cheek. There, on that small, adhesive, red tag was printed the numbers "$2.99". Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I found the ultimate of treasures that day and it only cost me $2.99. 

And this is why I shop @ thrift stores. 

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