Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last post of 2009....I think...

Day 365: Only hours left now. Not only does 2009 come to a close but with it the end of the first decade of the 2000's. Time to tear that last page from your day-by-day Far Side calendar or replace your desktop planner. Time to look back on the past 52 weeks and try to devise a plan on how you're going to make the next 52 weeks of your life even better. Time to think about the bad decisions you made and realize that they might not have been as bad as you thought because, well, you're still here aren't you? Unless you've managed to find your way to living under a bridge or somehow misplaced your hands you should consider 2009 somewhat of a small victory. For some people, this is a time to make "new years resolutions" or as I like to think of them "new years attempts at controlling some uncontrollable part of our life". Not to say that people don't follow through with their resolutions because the occasional shmo will make good on their promise to continue going to the gym or refrain from eating fried foods for the first couple months of the year but let's be real, are those really good resolutions? I mean, if you're going to make a resolution make it big. Like give up hustling Aldi's out of the quarters in the shopping carts, or try and give financial advice to the bums on the street rather than yelling at them. Try "Get a job!!" instead of "Get lost". I mean, chances are they're already pretty lost. They just need that little push towards a goal. My resolution this year: Stop complaining about my financial situation and start doing something about it. If there's one thing I can't stand it's the sound of my own mouth when the only thing coming out of it is the sound of my lazy lack of committment to pursuing a personal goal. So I guess what it boils down to is that my new years resolution is, "For God's sake just follow through with whatever resolution you pick, no matter what the hell it is!!"

Happy new year to all and I'll see you in in like 10 hours.