Sunday, January 18, 2009

the state of things.

I find it very interesting the way that things seem to work in the real world and in the whole scheme of how things play out in the professional world.

Take my sister and myself for instance; she works for the county in the Youth Bureau dealing with prevention services heling to keep kids out of potentially harmful situations in their lives. Since the economy has been slightly less than par as of late and since New York State budget dealings have a wonderful way of making people wish they had their heads submerged in a toilet somewhere, my sister's job is now at stake since the division of youth services that she works in is being dubbed by the governor as non-mandated and therefore unnecessary of state funding. Her job may be terminated as early as this coming summer. She loves the work that she does and works for peanuts to do it because it's something that, in the long run, is worth a whole lot more than an extra digit on the end of her pay stub each week.

Myself, however, I work for an auction company; a place that takes advantage of consumers by convincing them that closeouts and display model items are worth just as much as the real deal. This job fell into my lap when things failed to pan out into anything long term from an internship that I had held last summer doing film work. Since I needed money I kind of had to take the offer. Now, less than 6 months after I was initially hired, I've gone from being the lowest paid person at my facility to being the highest paid after being promoted to supervisor.

So here I am, getting promoted at a job that I hate and my sister spending everyday with the thought of searching for other work in the back of her mind while simultaneously worrying about the future of her type of work and what type of an impact it will have on the rest of those similar services not only statewide, but across the country.

It's so weird how this works. I suppose it's just the way things are going at this point... but then again, what does an auction worker know.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Asp in December

Why I love where I live

just because I have a laptop fittingly placed upon my lap

It's 3:36 in the afternoon and all I've done since waking up is check facebook several times, read a blog called "FUCK YEAH SHARKS", ate 2 slices of meatball pizza, and then typed this. Maybe I'll move from the couch soon.

I rule.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

should old aquaintence be forgot...

I'm never drinking again... that's my new years resolution. least vodka and cranberry... and possibly whiskey sours... but I'll probably break that resolution because I'm a champion like that and give in to peer pressure way too easily. Go me.

...and for the record, Kenny G's version of Auld Lang Syne is the most depressing song when you're standing by yourself in the middle of a crowd of couples all embracing in the first moments of the new year.....maybe next year.